Wednesday, 28 November 2012


Undercoated the first company (yes there's more than one!) of the 1/24th Foot along with some Zulu commanders. The Zulus are quite nice figures actually and there's 6 different variants in each pack which isn't bad for 6mm. I need to do some more research before painting them as I want to get the headdresses and other apparel right.

That's about it for this week as I'm out for a few nights and have the parents here this weekend.

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Sunday, 25 November 2012

More Completed Zulus

The recently completed Zulus have now been based and flocked. Here are a few pictures (there are 12 new bases in all, making 27 overall):

These will be mixed in with the other completed bases and once I've painted some command figures they will finally be complete, only another 5-600 to go.....

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Completed Gladiators

The Thraex and Secutor are now complete....

...and the next batch has been started:

These are from left to right a Laqueaius, a pair of Retiarii and another Laqueaius. These are all from pack ANG003.
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Saturday, 24 November 2012

Gladiators WIP

These were actually painted during the summer (well what passed for a summer this year!) but I didn't get around to finishing off the bases to represent the sand covered arena so I thought it was about time I got them back out and did so:

The right hand gladiator is a Secutor (pack ANG002) and the left hand is a Thraex (pack ANG004) both from the gladiators range produced by Crusader Miniatures.
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I've just finished off the next batch of Zulus, these along with the other 60 figures will belong to the uKhandempemvu regiment which was present at iSandlwana. uKhandempemvu means "head with black and white markings", an alternative name for the regiment was umCijo meaning “the sharpener”. This regiment was unmarried and probably formed in the late 1860's:

These figures have slightly different shields (small white spots on the left of some of the shields) and once based the bases will be mixed with the other Zulus to form 6-7 companies of 3-5 bases each. I've fixed the figures to their bases since taking these pictures.

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Friday, 16 November 2012

Natal Mounted Police Completed

I've just finished off the final bases for the NMP:

The next batch of Zulus are now undercoated, hopefully they'll get finished this weekend then its time to do some Zulu command so I can have a try with the rules.

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Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Mounted Natal Mounted Police WIP

This weekend I've also managed to complete the 17 mounted figures needed to finish off the Natal Mounted Police (NMP), they just need flocking:

I found the first batch of mounted figures (the Carbineers) quite hard going but the second larger batch for the NMP was much much easier. I think this has something to do with having to work out how to paint a model the first time you do it and then once you know what you have to do it becomes easier.

Next up, more Zulus (48 in all):

And here's the completed figure box which is filling up nicely:

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Natal Carbineers

The mounted versions of the Natal Carbineers are now flocked and finished:

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Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Quick Update

Just a quick update, no photos this time I'm afraid (camera problems). I've finally gotten around to completing the mounted versions of the Natal Carbineers which look quite good even if their unit is quite a small one. I have also finished painting and varnishing the 17 mounted versions of the Natal Mounted Police, they just need some bases preparing which should happen sometime this week. Once they're based that will bring me to a grand total of 7 companies completed (3 British and 4 Zulu) so I suppose I ought to start thinking about the rules in more detail.

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Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Mounted Natal Carbineers WIP 2

Finally got around to attaching the mounted Natal Carbineers to their bases, just the flock to do now:

The command stand is the one on the right, I have dismounted versions of each of the normal stands.

From above

Natal Mounted Police undercoated.

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Saturday, 3 November 2012

Mounted Natal Carbineers WIP

I've just finished varnishing the latest batch of Anglo-Zulu War figures, these are the mounted versions of the Natal Carbineers. This unit will consist of 1 HQ (2 mounted figures), 3 mounted, 3 dismounted and 1 horse holder stand. Hopefully I'll get time to base these up tomorrow:

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Mounted Infantry Horse Holders

Just completed the horse holder stands for my Natal Mounted Police and Natal Carbineers:

The first batch of Mounted Natal Carbineers has been started and can be seen in the background. Oddly I get better photos with my phone camera than with my 14.2MP camera (the above photo is from this camera)? I must need more practice to use the camera correctly.