Saturday, 8 December 2012

Fiona's WIP

My wife (Fiona) has decided that she will attempt to get me painting 28mm Napoleonics:

She has very kindly undercoated most of the components (the red jackets were painted by me some time ago) though I suspect that with my rather poor record of painting anything bigger than 6mm she will have to complete the figures herself if she wants to ever see them finished!

The figures are all plastic multi-part Peninsular British Flank Company made by Victrix.

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AZW WIP - British Camp

The first part of my British camp is now well underway:

I Didn't quite get the light right in this picture as they are all the same colour (same as the top one). I have a load more tents, cattle, wagons and other camp/supply column models to do and I'd like to get hold of some Zulu huts if I can find some in resin or metal (I think Irregular Miniatures do them?). Wargaming the Zulu War doesn't feel right without having some sort of camp to defend, a supply column to escort or a scattering of Zulu homesteads across the table.

The tents are all resin models from the Baccus equipment range.

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AZW - Zulu Command Completed

Finished all 6 command bases today:

I also took the opportunity to reorganise the Zulu warriors I'd completed in to 3 base companies. 4 of these companies will form a separate "division" within the uKhandempemvu regiment, a single command stand will be used for each division. The uKhandempemvu regiment had 12 such divisions with a total of 49 companies split between these divisions, the manpower of the uKhandempemvu in 1879 was estimated at around 2,500. So far I've completed 2 1/4 divisions so I've still got some way to go to complete the regiment should I be mad enough to want to paint 500 Zulus!

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Tuesday, 4 December 2012

AZW WIP - Zulu Command

Just finished the Zulu Command:

Not the best of pictures but I am planning to learn how to use my Samsung digital camera over Christmas (these are all taken on my phone camera).
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