Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Projects for Winter

In no particular order this is the list of the projects I have on the go or that are planned over the Winter (and well in to next year!):

For WWII (1:1 Scale):
  • 1941 - Sturmgeschutz Battalion 197 - 1st (completed) and 2nd companies (to paint).
  • 1943 - Tiger Battalion 503, Kursk - 45 Tiger I's (1/2 complete).
  • 1944/45 - Tiger Battalion 503, Hungary - 45 Tiger II's (10 complete).
  • 1944 - Panzer Regiment 11, 6th Panzer Division, Eastern Front - 4 Panzer IVH companies (2 complete), battalion HQ, Regimental HQ, FLAK and engineers to do.
  • 1943-45 - StuG IIIG company.
  • 1944/45 - German Infantry Battalion - 3 companies plus HQ, support company etc.
  • 1944/45 - T-34/85 Brigade - 3 tank battalions (1 complete) plus HQ, SMG company and an AA platoon.
  • 1944 - T-34/76 Brigade - 3 tank battalions (all complete), HQ, SMG company and an AA platoon to add.
For WW2.5 (alternative history):
  • German Panther F Battalion - 4 companies plus HQ, FLAK, Engineers etc (76 tanks).
  • German Panzer Grenadier Company.
  • American M26 Pershing Battalion - 3 companies plus supports and 1 company of light tanks.
  • American Armoured Infantry Company.
  • 8 Romanian Aircraft.
For the Modern Era:
  • Russian 2010 Tank Battalion (41 T-80U).
  • Russian 2010 Motor Rifle Battalion (BMP-2 plus a T-80U company).
  • Supporting units for the above.
  • 6mm Early Imperial Romans - 6 Legionary (3 complete) and 2 Auxiliary Cohorts and 1 Cavalry Cohort to do.
  • 6mm opponents for the Romans?
  • French Ironclad Fleet 1860-1885
  • British Ironclad Fleet 1860-1885
  • Austrian Ironclad Fleet 1860-1885
  • Italian Ironclad Fleet 1860-1885
  • Russian Far Eastern Fleet 1904, Russo-Japanese War
  • Japanese Fleet 1904, Russo-Japanese War

That's it for now! The majority of the 6mm vehicles and modern infantry are Heroics & Ros/Armstrong Miniatures, all of the WWII/WW2.5 Infantry are Adler, the Romans are Baccus and all of the ships are Navwar.