1st Cavalry Brigade 1941:
1st Rosiori Regiment General Corp de Armata Alexandru Averescu:
1x CO (CV8)Engineer Troop: 3x Engineer Unit (Pioneers), 3x Transport Unit (Horses, Cavalry)
MG Troop: 3x Support Unit (MG, ZB53), 3x Transport Unit (Horses, Cavalry)
1st Squadron:
1x HQ (CV7)
1st Troop: 3x Infantry Units (Regulars), 3x Transport Unit (Horses, Cavalry)
2nd Troop: 3x Infantry Units (Regulars), 3x Transport Unit (Horses, Cavalry)
2nd Squadron:
1x HQ (CV7)
3rd Troop: 3x Infantry Units (Regulars), 3x Transport Unit (Horses, Cavalry)
4th Troop: 3x Infantry Units (Regulars), 3x Transport Unit (Horses, Cavalry)
Each command unit consists of 2 mounted figures, each MMG consists of 1 cavalryman and 2 pack horses carrying the MMG's, and each infantry and engineer stand consists of 3 cavalrymen. All figures are mounted on 30mm square bases and are from Heroics and Ros (pack SR4 Soviet Cavalry).
The Brigade has 3 of these regiments, an Artillery Regiment and an assortment of motorised supporting Squadrons (Anti-tank, Recon, Mortar, Pioneer and MMG). This Brigade fought on the Eastern Front in 1941 taking part in the Battle of Odessa as part of the Romanian 5th Corps (15th Infantry Divison and 1st Armoured Division).