Just started the planning for and the painting of some BKCII units for an Eastern Front 1944 game we have planned. This will be an encounter between part of the Russian 29th Tank Corps and II./Panzer Regiment 11* (Panzer Division 6) supported by some halftrack mounted infantry from I./Panzer Grenadier Regiment 114. There will be a few surprises in this game but I'm not letting on as to what these are yet...
These forces will be scaled at 1:3 (1:30 for the infantry) as I realised (whilst out walking the dog) that using this scale rather than 1:4 would allow a better representation of the forces involved and allow companies (Germans) and Battalions (Russians) to be viable units size wise and hence have their own command units. As it turns out it's also a better use of what I have painted (less spare painted models left unused).
First up are the 4 Pzkpfw IVH (
Heroics & Ros code G015) Companies making up II./Panzer Regiment 11:
Next up on the left are the Battalion HQ (2 HQ tanks) and the Battalion Recce Platoon (2 tanks). On right is the Regimental HQ and Regimental Recce platoon:
For artillery support (pictured with the 4 companies above) their will be 2 Hummels (G060) and a Pzkpfw IV Forward Artillery Observer (FAO) from 3./Panzer Artillery Regiment 76.
On the "workbench" are the first of the Panzer Grenadiers (GR8) and their Sdkfz 251/1D (G022) halftracks. These are mostly models that I am reconditioning and bring up to the same standard as my more recently painted WWII models. I've started 2 companies and have just completed the first 10 Sdkfz 251/1D's (in a matching scheme to the Pzkpfw IV's).
Panzer Division 6 was rebuilt in the Summer of 1944 so does have a almost full allocation of new vehicles (inc. 81 Pzkpfw IVH) which, compared to other Panzer Divisions at the time, makes for quite large units. The Division was reorganised as a Type 1944 Panzer Division but did a have some unauthorised additions. For example one of the two Panzer Grenadier Regiments had a 3rd battalion which included a Cossack cavalry company! Unfortunately details of that battalions TO&E are difficult to come by as many of the records were lost. The Panzer Regiments 1st Battalion was still converting to Panthers so the Division was joined by I./Panzer Regiment Grossdeutschland equipped with 76 Panther G's.
* For those that don't know II./Panzer Regiment 11 means the 2nd Battalion (German Abteilung), Panzer Regiment 11 - the II indicated a battalion formation, if it was a number then it indicates a company (e.g. 1./Panzer Grenadier Regiment 114).
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